Our mission is to inspire and empower humanity, as we build ancient futuristic mastery grounds to ignite important ancient teachings, galactic activations, and sacred earthly sacraments. Building lands and castles around the world to serve as lighthouses that help guide humanity and ignite the superhuman inside of you.
Lead Royalty is here to help humanity remember what their true rights are as divine sovereign royals. Expanding one’s belief that we the people have the right to stand up for what we believe in and not feel like we have no outlet to speak. Instead, we have created an outlet for big change to raise the frequency of this human and earthly creation.
We are here to lead humanity in a manner of growth, peace, excitement, and grace to teach the path of ascension. Our lands are training grounds, providing transformational experiences that ignite the soul, expand the heart, and relax the mind. Training humans to be leaders and to lead royally while being the sparks of divinity for themselves and for the masses, creating a ripple of change.
Together let's help lead the way for those who are lost and blind to the truth of reality. Lets create experiences that transform lives, come together in love & mastery to usher in the Age of Aquarius as we are at a tipping point for humanities ascension.
It's time to reclaim your birthright as a sovereign royal! Join our global tribe of awakened soul's who are taking back their power and choosing to live by divine universal law and lead royally. Together we will usher in a New Earth and will be a lighthouse for the future of humanity.
Want to join & are in a tumbling time?
Contact us to discuss options of exchange.
Please share with us what you have in mind to help support or creatively exchange!
Lead Royalty Foundation is a Unincorporated 508(C)(1)(A) FBO: Rights Guaranteed under Federal Law U.S.C. 26 § 6033(A)(3)(A) and as such, it guarantees our rights to freedom of speech and to govern ourselves according to our own Bylaws and Doctrine.
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